So far, the nature of Akkar is still not fully explored, and the forgotten landmarks it includes, and amazing treasures, some of which carry an amazing scientific and historical value that transcends the limits of time and space.
Perhaps the amber, which some of the sites store in them, provides an astonishing record of life that existed here between 90 and 120 million years ago.
Today, a new research paper was published in Palaeoentomology, prepared by Dr. Sibel Maqsoud, Professor Danny Azar, and Khaled Talib from the Derb Akkar team. It included valuable information on the discovery of the new location of the amber above the town of Mishmash al-Akkaria within the layers of the lower Chalky era (Barimi). Within the samples taken, 4 insects were found, making it the first site in Akkar to find traces of life out of 25 sites in Lebanon.
This great historical legacy that these sites contain tells us the story of the earth and the creatures that lived on it a very long time ago, and today palaeontology answers many questions that were once vague.