Unveiled in Milan, London, New York City, and Mexico City throughout the course of February, the new Artwalls pay tribute to imperfect beauty in a bold way.
Aiming to disrupt the traditional idea of makeup as a tool for attaining an ideal of aesthetic perfection, creative director Alessandro Michele has unveiled the latest Gucci ArtWalls in Milan, London, New York City and Mexico City with a surprisingly eye-catching display in celebration of unconventional forms of beauty. With the help of British photographer Martin Parr, known for satirical documentary images, and under the art direction of Christopher Simmonds, the theme of this edition’s ArtWalls aims to explore the theme of contemporary beauty by channelling an ‘80s aesthetic of irony, humour and playfulness. Parr used bold red lipstick – the Rouge à Lèvres Satin 25* ‘Goldie Red’, chosen by Mihele himself – as the premier makeup tool in this project, which set about to wryly challenge the feminine ideal that demands it should be applied perfectly.
