Arab women are considered one of the most beautiful and elegant women in the world since ancient times to this day, and one of the most famous women in antiquity was "Cleopatra", where the life of this famous Egyptian queen was a mystery that is difficult to solve, which prompted archaeologists to delve into it.

The queen was born in the year 69 and died in the year 30 BC. She was the ruler of Egypt and the last of the pharaohs, thus ending a dynastic rule that lasted 5,000 years. Researchers from the University of Hawaii tried to shed light on a very special aspect of her life related to the perfume she was using. Professors Robert Littmann and Guy Silverchain embarked on research on the perfumes that the Queen used, based on a study of a site for the manufacture of Pharaonic perfumes they found in the ruins of the Egyptian town of Thamwes.

This research was based on the study of perfume bottles and jars that contain dried perfume residues. The contacts were made with the aim of testing different recipes of ancient perfumes, to reproduce the perfume that the queen used, through the traditional methods described in ancient texts. After examining these documents, researchers found two perfumes that were particularly appreciated by the Egyptian elites, "Mendesian" and "Metopian." The main component of these two perfumes is "myrrh" extracted from the gum of trees that grow in an area that became known as Yemen.

The researchers combined different ingredients and cooked the perfumes to come up with a composition in which spices are combined with myrrh, cardamom, olive oil and cinnamon. Professor "Littmann" said about him: "This perfume has not been inhaled by anyone for more than 2000 years."

The perfume was manufactured, but doubts remained about the accuracy of its composition, so the researchers decided to conduct additional chemical analyzes, and the conclusion of these researches will turn into a perfume that will be displayed this summer at the Cairo Museum.